The Flume and Profile, Mt. Kinsman B.W. Kilburn. Profile is below and left of what looks like a bridge across the top of the Flume
The Wider Landscape
The Wider Landscape
A.W. Plummer, photographer
A.W. Plummer, photographer
Easton Annual Reports
Howe Cabin, Mt. Cleveland Road, Bethlehem
Howe Cabin, Mt. Cleveland Road, Bethlehem
Pease Family
Pease Family
Sawdust pile from Andrew’s Mill on Franconia/Easton town line. Probably taken around 1901. Mt. Kinsman is in the background.
Andrew Upper Mill 1890s
Barn in distance on Lane (Winter Place) Reel Brook Rd.
Upper Andrew Mill about 1890. Mt Kinsman in Background.
Logging operations at Upper Andrew Mill about 1891 on Reel Brook.
Lower Andrew Sawmill built in 1892. Located near Tamarack Tennis Camp on the Kinsman Trail.
A.T. Young’s house looking north. Center Easton
Ball Family: rear l to r. Arthur Bowles, Walter Ball and daughter, Orin Bowles. Front; Louvannah Bowles, Martha Bowles Judd, Mrs. Walter Ball, Marion Ball
Solomon Bowles “Temple” probably built in the 1850s
C.A Young Mill
C.A. Young’s house, 1914
Easton’s Union Society Church, built in 1859 and in use as late as 1950.
The Dell
District #3 Schoolhouse in Wildwood
Daniel Whitcher Mill and Mill pond
Looking toward the area where the current Town Hall is located
Easton Road about 1918, looking toward the Chase Farm.
An early 1900″s view of District #1 School House at the corner of the Sugar Hill Road. It was used until the fall of 1943.
Gibson Rd., home currently owned by Campbell McLaren. Bald Knob in background.
Oxen with sled owned by Clayton Glover and his children Barbara and Roger
Group at William Lane place
Alice Lane- first lady on left, Rose Lane, first lady on right
North and south Kinsman
Roy Judd with oxen, breaking out the roads.
A.K. Judd at present Farrell place
Jonathan Tuttle place, spring 1941. Left section is thought to be the oldest building extant in Easton.
The old Peg Factory, west of present Town Hall. Dam visible on left.
Whitcomb Peg Mill
Dam at the Peg Mill
D.J. Whitcher Mill and Pond, east of present Town Hall
Young’s Post Office and store, taken between 1888 and 1893. Charles A. Young, Hattie Poor Young and Frank Young (driving team.)
Camp Wildwood, WMNF. 1939. On present Tunnel Brook Road.
Robinson House taken from across Paine Road. Old Kendall house before barn was taken down.
District School, fall 1941
School class 1908
Chase Farm from Route 116
Easton Town Hall. John Johnsky’s barn on right
Left-Old Whitcomb House Right-Dr. Clarks later sold to town for Town Hall Building
Sheldon and Mattie Whitcomb with grandaughter Ina, 1931
First Camp in New England. 101st Company CCC Wildwood Camp No. 2121, Easton, NH 1935
Wildwood Inn-Lost River House,, Kinsman Notch
Lumber Camp, Wildwood area, 1890s
Winsor Drury 1823-1899. A prominent member of the Wildwood community who married Sarah Clay
Whitcher residence looking south
The Whitcher mill, across the river from the present Town Hall
Whitcher’s Mill
Witcher Saw Mill during Parker & Young Operation – 1920’s
C.A. Young on mill walk. Young house in background.
C. A. Young Mill crew
First car in Easton, about 1910, C. A. Young’s
Log being pulled into Young’s bobbin mill
Charles .A. and Nettie Young
Young’s milldam
From postcard sent Jan. 7, 1909, Young’s Residence
C.A. Young saw and bobbin mill
C.A. Young’s mill and home
Young’s store and Post Office on left, Daniel Whitcher house on right.
Young’s store and Post Office
Gray Farm, Reel Brook Rd. Only the barn on the far right remains.
Group at William Lane Place, Reel Brook Rd.
Alice Lane, first lady lady on left, Rose Lane, first on right